GIRLS INCORPORATED SHOW. Girls Incoporated is a fantastic organization here in Sarasota -- I did the Wilton Wilberry Christmas Show with Jenny Duffey as the Christmas Princess and it went great.
FREE REDWOOD LIBRARY SHOW, 11 am JULY 12. Call 401-847-0292 ext. 314 or email [email protected] to make a reservation.
Put together the country’s oldest lending library and a young enthusiastic children’s librarian, the fantastic Chelsea Ordner, and what do you get? A great event for kids 3-7, their parents and their pets. On July 12 at 11 am, I’ll be doing a reading and show featuring my new book, LITTLE DOG, BIG BARK. BIG DOG, LITTLE BARK in the Ballard Annex of the venerable Redwood Library. Kids will be invited to bring photos of their pets and, while there, draw pictures of their own dogs which they can paste in the books they buy. (Drawing materials will be provided.) The show will also feature a song and the story from the Cd, “The King Who Forgot His Underpants." Free “Little Dog, Big Bark” book marks will be given to anyone who attends; and any books purchased at the Redwood or through AmazonSmile will result in a donation to the ASPCA. Everyone's invited, so call or email Chelsea to make sure you get in. The show is sure to make you HOWL. "I SPIT OUT MY FOOD"
Tiffany Goes Bonkers to "Rock 'n Roll Santa"
After jumping around on the couch she says exactly what every entertainer lives to hear, "Put that on again!" Thanks for the camera-work and general inspiration to supermom-superfan, Rachel, you can check it out at the link below CLICK HERE |